Feet and SOC

The Symphony of the Cells practice is primarily administered on the spine, however, one may notice in the application book that certain icons indicate the application of oils on the bottom of the feet as well. This is generally done with excess oils on one’s hand from massaging the spine, but that’s not to say it isn’t extremely strategic as well. So let’s talk about why we use essential oils on our feet!

Skin Structure: The skin on the feet, like the rest of the body, consists of several layers, including the epidermis (outer layer), dermis (middle layer), and subcutaneous tissue (inner layer). The skin on the feet is unique in that it tends to have thicker layers of skin, especially on the soles and heels, to provide protection and support from daily wear and tear.

Pore Size: The skin on the feet contains relatively large pores, especially on the soles, compared to other areas of the body. These pores allow for the secretion of sweat and sebum (skin oil) and may potentially facilitate the absorption of essential oils applied topically.

Vascularity: The feet are highly vascularized, meaning they have a dense network of blood vessels. Blood circulation plays a crucial role in delivering nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and removing metabolic waste products. Some people believe that the rich blood supply to the feet may enhance the absorption of essential oils into the bloodstream.

Foot Baths and Soaks: One common practice involving essential oils and the feet is foot baths or soaks. In these practices, essential oils are added to warm water, and the feet are immersed for some time. The warmth of the water can help open the pores and promote relaxation, while the essential oils may be absorbed through the skin and inhaled through the respiratory system.

The greater the absorption of essential oils, the more effective the practice of using them will be. Pair this strategic placement with consistency and one will be overjoyed with their improved health. Many individuals report experiencing benefits from this practice, such as relaxation, stress relief, and improved sleep. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some people may find applying essential oils to the feet to be an effective method for experiencing the therapeutic effects of essential oil use. Let this serve as a reminder not to skip steps when using SOC protocols, for everything has its purpose!


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